Blogger of the Week: Sam

Leavenworth County Fair

Hi my name is Samantha Koch and this is the story of my experience at the Leavenworth County Fair.
At the fair I showed my bucket calf, my goats, and I was able to ride and exhibit one of Mable’s horses.
Then I entered my food items, which were cinnamon rolls, snicker doodles, and a gift basket. I did really well on my food exhibits this year, and got a purple on my cinnamon rolls, blue on my snicker doodles, and I got a blue on my gift basket. My bucket calf’s name is Heffey; she is a Red Limousine Cross. I got a blue for consultation judging and I was very surprised when I got Champion Showmanship with my bucket calf. I was so happy when I got a t-shirt and a belt buckle for my win. I did great with my goats this year. I got a red on my market goat, and I got champion and reserve champion with 2 of my dairy goats. I showed my friend Mable’s horse Phoebe at the horse show. I got reserve champion on showmanship and I was so close to getting champion showmanship, I just have a few more things to work on.
I really enjoy showing at the County Fair each year, and hope that next year for everyone to come visit me.

Halloween Party

The Halloween party is this Friday! The parade will begin a little before 2 and the party will follow. We have had a few people sign up to bring treats. Paper goods have been provided and Mrs. Jolley signed up to be room mother. We are still in need of drinks and possibly games. If anyone would like to help please let me know.

Blogger of the Week: Zach

My football team is called the McLouth Mustangs. I am the A team captain and I lead the team in touchdowns. I play quarterback, offensive line and middle line backer. We have won two games so far this season.

Parent Teacher Conferences

Just a reminder...Parent Teacher Conference are on October 21st. Please contact the office to schedule an appointment. Thanks!