Grading Policy
When are assignments due?
Unless otherwise stated to students, daily assignments will be expected to be completed and turned in the same day, when possible, or by 8:30 a.m. the following school day.What if assignments are late?
If late work is turned in before lunch the day it is due, and “L” will be place in the corner of the paper. This is a “red flag” to you and the student that it was not turned in when expected. If a student has to work through recess to complete the assignment, “Late” will be written on the paper and a deduction may be made to the earned grade. A 5% deduction will be made each day the assignment is late, and it may not be accepted after 5 days. (The teacher may occasionally accept assignments after 5 days, but only half credit will be earned.)Are ALL grades final?
If a student earns a 69% or lower, they will be allowed to correct the work. If a score of 59% or lower is earned, they will be expected to correct the work. If all incorrect items are sincerely attempted and turned in a timely manner, half credit will be earned for each item corrected. No score higher than 79% will be given on corrected work. When a grade is written in red ink, it is generally FINAL.
What do the various marks mean on assignments?
When an item is marked with a red “C”, it has been successfully corrected by the student and half credit has been earned back. “Sp” is used next to items that have errors in spelling. Particularly when answers come from text or word boxes, it is expected for words to be copied correctly. A student may miss additional points for spelling errors that have been carelessly made. If you see “inc”, the item was incomplete and “n.s.” means it made no sense.Monitoring Progress
Graded Papers
Papers are passed back to students nearly every day. Each student has a mailbox and is expected to collect papers at the end of each school day. Ask your child daily for graded papers, please. Papers should be in their homework folders.Your child’s progress in class can be assessed by looking at the grades on daily work. If there is an exceptional amount of late papers, corrections, or few papers coming home, there should be some questions raised.
Extra Credit
Extra credit opportunities occur periodically to student in each quarter. They have an option whether or not to complete what is offered.Generally, extra credit opportunities will not be given when requested by the student or parent, as I have found these requests are made at the end of the quarter as a last-minute effort to raise grades.
Power School
Grades for each subject can be monitored by using power school. If you need information or a password, contact the elementary office.Discipline Policy
Please understand that it is the teacher’s discretion to choose the appropriate consequences for each action. Most commonly, the Level 1 or 2 behaviors will be most often enforced in my classroom. Recess time may be lost or the opportunity room may be used to reinforce appropriate behaviors.
Support at Home
• Set aside time each day or week for reading. You can read to them, they can read to you, use a book, magazine, or newspaper! Take a moment after each article or chapter or page and have your child retell the story in their own words, state the main idea, share their opinion, etc.
• Set aside a time or place to complete homework and be sure that your child leaves for school with necessary items.
• Take a few minutes a day (e.g. in the car or at meals) to study spelling words or math facts (especially multiplication).
• Check your child’s book bag periodically – you’d be surprised at what you might find.
• Maintain open communication with teachers. I can be reached by email, phone, or notes to school. If you have questions or concerns, please contact me.