D.A.R.E Graduation


Please join us to celebrate the competition of the D.A.R.E program. Office Clay will lead the D.A.R.E graduation ceremony on Friday, April 29. The ceremony will be held in the high school auditorium, starting at 2:30.

The 5th grade will also be attending the D.A.R.E festival at Capitol Federal Park at Sandstone on May 10th. The festival starts at 10:45 am. Parents are welcome to attend but bus space will be limited. More information will be sent home soon!

Also....Officer Clay will be coming in on April 27th to visit with the class about bullying.

One Down...One to Go!

A big thanks to everyone who sent treats in for the reading assessments! We are working hard getting ready for math assessments in two weeks!I am very proud of our class! They did a great job!